It’s Induction Month at Carbon Switch

By Michael Thomas

It’s Induction Month at Carbon Switch

A few weeks ago, we asked you what topics you want to read about next. The most common answer was induction cooking. So June is going to be induction month at Carbon Switch.

As some of you know, we’ve already written a bit about induction in our Induction Cooktop and Stove Buyer’s Guide. We’ve also written about why cooking on gas is terrible for both the planet and our health (Part One and Part Two).

But after publishing those articles, we received hundreds of questions via email and Twitter. Over the next month our goal is to answer as many of those questions as possible. 

We’ve already got the first induction article for you—but first, I’d like to ask a quick favor:

Induction stove survey

If you recently purchased an induction stove or range, can you help us and fill out this two minute survey?

Last time we asked our readers to weigh in like this, we ended up with a unique resource on the cost of heat pumps. This kind of data isn’t easy to come by. And it’s helpful for researchers, journalists, and other people working to help people understand why we need to electrify homes and reduce emissions.

Ok, now on to the first story in our series.

Our first story of induction month

One of the best ways to try cooking with magnets instead of fossil fuels is to buy a portable induction cooktop. Most models on the market cost less than $200 and can be on your doorstep in less than 48 hours. But there are a dizzying number of options out there. 

Kevin Purdy, our Senior Staff Writer, went deep down the rabbit hole to find the best portable induction cooktop. If you’re wondering what induction cooking is like, he’s found a good device for you.

To read more about the best portable induction cooktops, check out his guide here.

What’s coming next

Here’s what you can expect in the rest of the induction series:

  • How much does an induction stove cost?
  • The best induction stove
  • Induction vs. gas cooking
  • Induction vs. traditional electric cooking

As always, if you have any other suggestions on what we should cover, we’d love to hear from you.

Until then, internet strangers!

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